Vinehouse Farm Shop is a thriving farm shop near Spalding in Lincolnshire. With consumption of 120,000kWh a year for the farm shop, café and a large cold store, they were paying 35p per kWh and spending over £40,000 a year on electricity.
The system is expected to generate 77,486kWh per annum with 80% consumption reducing their electricity bills by £22,000 a year and giving a 25% ROI and a payback period of slightly over 3.5-years at 35p per kWh.
Our Solution
The farm shop already had an existing 22kWp solar installation installed by a previous company (RHS on image below). Vine House Farm approached us to install a matching 57 panel 23kWp solar installation on the roof LHS, and also install a further 150 panel, 61kWp, PV system on a ground mount on waste land to the rear of the shop.
We installed the 23kWp roof mounted solar system in late 2022, and returned in early 2023 to complete the ground mount array. This included installing Solis 20kWp and 50kW inverters and a Solar-Log monitoring system.