Titan Eco passes 300 SolaSkirt installs

Since inventing and launching SolaSkirt in late 2019 to early 2020 the demand for premium solar panel pigeon proofing has risen dramatically.  With 40 installs by the Titan Eco installation teams in 2020, albeit affected by Covid, we also sent out almost 1.5km of skirt to solar panel installation companies all over the UK for…

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Since inventing and launching SolaSkirt in late 2019 to early 2020 the demand for premium solar panel pigeon proofing has risen dramatically.  With 40 installs by the Titan Eco installation teams in 2020, albeit affected by Covid, we also sent out almost 1.5km of skirt to solar panel installation companies all over the UK for their own installs.

In 2021 this rose to 256 installations by Titan Eco install teams all over the South East, and we sent out almost 5km of skirt to other solar panel installers along with almost 6,000 clamps, and sent our first skirt to customers in the US.  In 2022 we have already started the year strongly and expecting a much stronger year, with already almost 2.5km of skirt sold in just 20-days in Jan to install companies as more and more customers ask for our product on their panels as they are installed, and more companies offering our product to customers.

Prior to the launch of SolaSkirt the main product used to keep out pigeons has been mesh, which not only looks awful but is often either fixed to panels by screwing through the frame, invalidating the warranty, or uses plastic clips which won’t last.  SolaSkirt not only proves a more effective solution to keeping out pigeons but it also dramatically improves the look of panel systems, hiding the gap, rail, cables and gap.  Have a look at our gallery and latest installs on our Instagram page.

The problem with pigeons is on the rise, every time we, and other solar panel installation companies and pest control companies, block out pigeons we are not solving the problem, all we are doing is moving the pigeons from one set of panels to the next, and invariably when they are evicted they will find several sets of panels, which means the problem is an exponentially rising one, that is set to grow and grow and grow.  We constantly get calls from customers wondering why, after 10-years, they are suddenly getting pigeons under their panels, and generally its because they have recently been turfed out of a nearby system, and once they are evicted again they will only look for yet more panels, which offer warmth, protection from predators and convenient rails to build a nest on.

If you have any questions about SolaSkirt please drop us an email at [email protected] or give us a call on 0333 444 2136